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Do not cast me off in the time of old age; do not forsake me when my youth is spent (Psalm 71.9)


The Elder Care Groups aim to address social isolation among older people and have a strong emphasis on all aspects of health and well-being including spiritual. They offer programmes (usually half day) of exercise, social and other activities focussed on well-being and friendship.  The staff and volunteers are trained in the particular needs of older people and alert to the challenges faced by people in this post-earthquake environment. Their work is supported by health professionals who are available to the Groups as required.  Elder Care Groups operate as a partnership between the diocese of Christchurch and the parishes, and have ongoing support from the Selwyn Foundation. Click on the picture above to go directly to this page.

This page will take you to some of the training opportunities available in this area and a sample of the books that people have found useful in their study and/or work. There is a great deal of ongoing research and publication in this area of pastoral care ... the opportunities for learning are endless. Click on the picture above.

The Anglican Elder Care Project of the Diocese of Christchurch was set up in June 2012 funded by a generous donation from the Selwyn Foundation given for earthquake response.  The aims of Project included both research and education related to spiritual and pastoral care of older and elderly people across diocese within the contexts of both independent living in the community and residential care. A full copy of the report on the research can be found by clicking on the picture above.

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